Our hospital’s emergency department is on duty 24 hours a day with an experienced and dynamic staff.

Patients who apply to our emergency services during the day are first evaluated by the family physician, first intervention is applied and the relevant branch physicians are informed. In addition, consultant medicine service is provided in order to ensure that patients who apply to the polyclinic apply to the appropriate polyclinic without wasting time.

Our daytime emergency service is supported by all branches available in the hospital.

In the emergency room, there is an observation room for 10 people with bedside monitors and central oxygen system, where the first treatment and observations of the patients are made. Apart from this, there is a resuscitation room, a small intervention room and an examination room.

In addition, our hospital biochemistry laboratory supports our emergency service for 24 hours with emergency biochemistry tests and radiology department direct radiographic recordings.

The Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Dental Diseases offers the modern advantages of a fully equipped hospital at world standards to all our people with its organization, expert staff and advanced technology support, and provides uninterrupted service every day and hour of the year with its superior service approach.

Branches and applications served:

* Prosthesis – Artificial apereys that replace the missing tooth
* Endodontics – Dental treatment, root canal treatment
* Surgery – Jaw and oral surgeries
* Implantology – Application of a screw tooth to the jawbone
* Pedodontics – Children’s dental treatment
* Periodontology – Treatment of gum and jawbone diseases
* Tempora Mandubular Joint Pain (T.M.E) – Jaw and mouth joint pain
* Snoring and Apnea Treatment – Oral Apliance, No laser, no surgery, needle-free and painless end to snoring and apnea.
* Teeth Whitening – Home Bleaching, Cosmetics and Lamination Porcelain Veneer Without Cutting Teeth, Aesthetics
* Orthodontics – Correction and Treatment of Dental and Jaw Anomalies, Complicated Teeth
• Dental Health Protection and caries prevention systems in children- Sealant and Fluor application
* Treatment by being Put to Sleep with General Anesthesia
* Sedation – The Method of Drinking Anesthesia Solution or Nasal an Instillation

The skin is an organ open to the formation of diseases due to its constant contact with the external environment. The occurrence of dermatological disorders may become easier due to frequent exposure to environmental factors, chemicals, allergens and similar stimulants in daily life. Diseases that may occur on the skin may cause aesthetic and cosmetic problems in some cases, and difficulties that may occur in performing daily functions in some cases. Therefore, dermatological diseases should be treated immediately from the moment they are noticed.

The department of child health and diseases, also known as pediatrics, is a branch of science that deals with the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of individuals involved in the process from birth to adolescence. between the ages of 0 and 18, the congenital diseases of people defined as children, the follow-up of vaccines that should be administered Decently after childbirth, mental, physical and motor development are monitored by pediatricians. Many processes such as height, weight, nutrition and similar development of babies as well as the development of daily life skills, expression and understanding, neurological and psychological development are controlled and monitored during routine examinations conducted during this process. Physicians who are interested in the difficult diagnosis and treatment of diseases of infants who have not yet developed communication skills conduct examinations of individuals in childhood by taking into account their psychology.

From the newborn period onwards, each age and developmental period contains its own unique differences from a mental and spiritual point of view.Within the scope of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and diseases, both counseling about the normal development process and the evaluation and treatment of unusual situations are aimed.In our department, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism or Developmental Disorders, Specific Learning Disabilities and Dyskelesia, Depression, Fears and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children and Adolescents, Behavioral Disorders, Tics and Tourette’s Disorder, Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Enuresis Nocturna, Encopresis (urinary and poo abduction) Speech Disorders and Stuttering and other psychiatric disorders are evaluated.After the exclusion of a possible underlying physical pathology during the evaluation process, mental and spiritual processes are examined.
Monitoring of development in children
Motherhood-Fatherhood skills development guidance studies
Self-care skills development training (Toilet, food , sleep )
Anxiety Disorders : Obsessions – tics and fear-anxiety disorders
Behavioral therapies for pervasive developmental disorder
Anxiety-based speech disorders
Learning problems
Coping with academic-emotional-behavioral problems studies
Childhood mental problems : Child psychosis, depression, sexual identity disorders
Psychosomatic disorders
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Individual psychotherapies carried out related to the adolescent period
You need to make an appointment by phone to be examined at our Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic!

0 212 547 16 00 – 144 (internal)

Nutrition is the intake of nutrients that our body needs from outside to the body for growth, maintenance of life and protection of health. If we want to live a healthy life, we need to take care of a balanced diet that will meet our needs at every period of our life. An adequate and balanced diet is one of the basic needs of every human being. In the research conducted, the correction of personalized diet and health practices reduces preventable diseases, disabilities and premature deaths. It occurs directly in some diseases caused by nutritional deficiency and imbalance, and indirectly in others.

As we know, improper eating habits acquired during childhood are effective in causing growth retardation, protein-energy malnutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiency diseases in the early period, and in the advanced period, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, as well as a number of health problems that can be very serious. For this reason, a personalized nutrition program is health protective and, in some cases, therapeutic.

Nutrition shows different characteristics for each age period and each disease group. For this reason, nutrition programs should definitely be planned by a dietitian, regardless of whether they are for weight gain or weight loss, or a treatment approach for the treatment of a disease, that is, for whatever purpose.

In our Nutrition and Diet Outpatient Clinic, personalized nutrition trainings and programs are provided for all conditions requiring nutrition and diet treatment (pregnancy, lactation period (0-1years),childhood, adolescent nutrition, diabetes, heart diseases, liver diseases, cancer and other chronic and metabolic diseases, obesity).

Nutrition trainings are provided to our patients who are directed by doctors or who make personal applications, and if deemed necessary, personalized nutrition planning is carried out.

Weight gain
Weight loss programs
(for gaining a permanent eating habit)
Diabetes (diabetes disease)
Cardiovascular diseases
Kidney diseases
Liver diseases
Disorders of the Digestive System
Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation
Nutrition of overweight children
Feeding children with anorexia
Athlete nutrition (according to the characteristics of the sports performed)
Menu planning according to the characteristics of the institutions
Nutrition education for groups-seminars

In parallel with the scientific and technological development of modern medicine, the Department of Internal Medicine is divided into many branches within itself, but it is the direct solution center for all non-surgical complaints of the entire adult patient group over the age of 15 and serves as the basis for all clinical branches.

The health problems of the vast majority of the patients who apply to health institutions are included in the area of interest of their Internal Diseases and solutions are offered.

Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, hypertension, diseases of the stomach and intestinal system, kidney diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid diseases, diabetes, rheumatic diseases are included in this wide range of many diseases of the system, such as.

In summary; the first application center and solution area for all adult health problems is the Department of Internal Medicine.

We provide services in the physical medicine and rehabilitation outpatient clinic and unit within the structure of our hospital in the company of our experienced doctors and physiotherapists who are specialists in their field.

In our physical therapy and rehabilitation department, we organize and treat treatment protocols for patients within the scope of outpatient clinic, hospital service, intensive care, elderly care.

Patient treatment is performed with 3 physiotherapists and 2 physical therapy technicians in our unit. Patients are taken to physical therapy under his supervision with a customized treatment plan given by a physical therapy specialist physician, and one-on-one exercises are performed accompanied by a physiotherapist during the session.

In addition to physical therapy, physical therapy is performed by our physician to appropriate patients October

intra-articular injections,
prp injections,
interventional procedures such as various November muscle and soft tissue injections are performed.

It is used for internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are collected with the help of a tool and a band is thrown behind it.Hemorrhoids with gangrene fall off over time.

It is popularly known as laser.Dec. In fact, it is only the light source that dries out the veins that cause hemorrhoids.
HAL(Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation)
With the help of an instrument, it is treated only by connecting the vein that causes hemorrhoids.
Drying can be done with a needle.

It is the removal of hemorrhoids from the root individually by binding or ligasure.
LONGO(Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy)
Recently 3. and 4. degree is a method used in hemorrhoids. Although there are no long-term results yet, short-term results are good. Hemorrhoids of the breech area are intervened with the help of an instrument.
In case of complaints, it is necessary to contact a general surgery specialist for examination. Routine follow-ups are required. A biopsy is performed in cases with suspected cancer.

Fibrocystic Disease in the Breast
It should be followed up in fibrocystic breast disease without a risk of Habaset.
Cyst- Mass in the Breast
If possible, the cysts should be drained, if necessary, the masses should be removed.
Breast Cancer
The main principle in the treatment of breast cancer is a surgical procedure performed appropriately. In addition, radiation therapy ,treatment with intravenous cancer drugs,treatment with hormone therapy are supported. October 1, 2016.

Especially in thyroid nodules that are known to have thyroid cancer, surgery is the first stage of treatment. In addition, surgery may also be required for some nodules that are not cancerous.

There is an invariable treatment for all abdominal hernias; it is also a surgical operation. In our hospital, hernia surgeries can also be performed using the Classical method (Open) and laparoscopic (closed).

The chances of medical treatment are high in acute fissure. If it does not improve despite all these treatments and the event becomes chronic (inveterate), the treatment method applied today is usually surgery.

In anal fistula disease, there is no such thing as recovery spontaneously or with medical treatment. For this reason, when it is called treatment, it means surgical treatments that should be planned as soon as possible (except for diseases such as Crohn’s).


Gastroesophageal Reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is the leakage of stomach contents back into the esophagus. In case of a long-term illness that cannot be responded to medical treatment, treatment can be performed with closed (laparoscopic) or open surgical intervention.
Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is a cancer that occurs in our body in our large intestines. It is the third most common type of cancer. The second most common cause of cancer-related deaths is colon cancer-related deaths.
Stomach Ulcer
The diagnosis of stomach ulcer is usually made with the characteristics of the complaints. The definitive diagnosis of the disease is made by endoscopy.Surgical treatment is often needed in cases of complications such as bleeding, narrowing, puncture, which do not respond to medical treatment or do not respond to medical treatment.
Stomach Cancer
In stomach cancer, the entire stomach can be removed according to the location of the cancer in the stomach, or in distal stomach cancers, a large part of the stomach can be removed, leaving only a very small part of the stomach close to the esophagus, and surgery can be performed.

The treatment of the disease is surgery. Surgery can be performed using classical methods (i.e. open) or laparoscopic (closed).
Hair rotation surgeries or the phenol method are also used with the Flap Method, which has the least recurrence rate of the discomfort.
If gallstones have caused pain complaints or any complications, they require treatment. The only permanent treatment method is surgical removal of the gallbladder. It can be performed open or closed (laparoscopic cholecystectomy).

You can get rid of your varicose veins with sclerotherapy (Foam Therapy) and surgery.

Gastroscopy- Colonoscopy
The endoscopy procedure (Gastroscopy- Colonoscopy-Sigmoidoscopy ) performed for the diagnosis and treatment of many ailments accompanied by anesthesia and painlessly is successfully performed by the professional team of Balıklı Rum Hospital.
PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy)
It is the insertion of a feeding tube into the stomach without surgery for patients who cannot feed by mouth due to age or as a result of some ailments.
Insertion of an Intra-Gastric Balloon
It is the process of temporarily inserting a balloon into the stomach without surgery in order for patients who complain of obesity ( excess weight) to get rid of their excess weight. (Patients Decelerate between about 10-45 kg in 6 months.)

Balıklı Rum Hastanesi Göz Polikliniğinde ;

• Fako ile Katarakt muayenesi
• Üveit
• Göz Tansiyonu
• Kontakt Lens
• Şaşılık ve Göz Kapağı muayenesi
• Çocuk göz muayenesi her yaş gurubuna yapılabilmektedir.
• Göz anjiyosu ile damar hastalıkları teşhis edilebilmektedir.
• Diabete bağlı retinopoti

Starting from general diagnosis and treatment services related to Gynecology and Childbirth, services are provided in many areas starting from menopause and osteoporosis, birth control management, follow-up of risky and normal pregnancies, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological cancers in our hospitals.

Polyclinic services are provided to women of all ages starting from adolescence to menopause, where the diagnosis and treatment of all health problems are carried out, routine check-ups and preventive medicine practices are also successfully performed.

Ultrasonography examinations, PAP-smear test, colposcopy and routine gynecological examinations for the early diagnosis of gynecological cancers, especially infections that cause Gynecological Diseases, groin pain, menstrual irregularity, especially infections that cause Gynecological Diseases are performed in the outpatient clinic of our hospital.

It is very important to take the necessary preventive measures for heart diseases, which can be observed in all age groups from a very young age to an advanced age and in both sexes, from childhood. Especially those who have heart disease in their family should undergo frequent doctor checkups, as they are at a higher risk than others. Procedures for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of heart diseases are carried out by internal medicine units called Cardiology.

Laboratory services are used in all stages of diagnosis, treatment process and follow-up in health institutions. Diagnosis and evaluation of the condition can be made by studying samples taken from various parts of the body, especially in laboratories, which are very important for accurate diagnosis and research of treatment success. For this purpose, our clinical laboratories, equipped with the most advanced medical equipment, work in accordance with nationally and internationally recognized quality control systems.

Diagnostic tests are performed in biochemistry, microbiology, serology, obstetrics, infectious diseases and many other fields in the laboratories located in our health institutions.

Neurology is a medical science that deals with the physiology and diseases of the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord (spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system. The treatment of diseases that develop in any of these three departments and do not require surgical intervention is carried out by the neurology department. In our neurology department, intensive care services are provided by our specialists in the follow-up of diseases requiring intensive care, as well as outpatient and inpatient treatment services.

Cerebrovascular Diseases: Cerebral vascular diseases include cerebral hemorrhages and cerebral vascular blockages within the scope of cerebrovascular diseases. Stroke, as it is popularly called, paralysis occurs when one of the cerebral vessels is blocked and that area of the brain cannot be fed, and it can manifest itself in the form of various neurological tables. Decapitation is caused by a blockage of one of the brain vessels and an inability to feed that area of the brain. Cell death occurs in the areas fed by the blocked vessel, and depending on the region, loss of strength, loss of speech, dizziness, visual disturbances and loss of consciousness may occur on one side of the body. Neurology specialists detect the blocked vessel and the affected area using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Computed Tomography (CT) examinations and arrange the treatment. In addition to vascular Decongestion, cerebral hemorrhages due to blood pressure, venous hemorrhages due to blockages of the veins are also included among the cerebral vascular diseases. Monitoring and treatment of brain hemorrhages that do not require surgical evacuation are also performed by neurology specialists. Patients who develop loss of consciousness and require respiratory or cardiac support are treated in the intensive care unit, while patients who do not require intensive care support are treated in the clinic.
Epilepsy: Epilepsy disease, popularly known as Sara crisis or seizure Decapitation, is among the diseases monitored by the neurology unit. Decapitation is one of the most common epileptic disorders in the world. The most common seizure type of epilepsy is generalized tonic-clonic seizures, which occur with involuntary movements in the arms and legs, loss of consciousness, foaming at the mouth, urinary incontinence. The examination method used primarily for the follow-up and treatment of epilepsy is EEG. Epilepsy can start in childhood, and it can occur in adulthood, although rarely. In seizures that occur in adulthood, a person should definitely consult a neurology specialist and perform the necessary examinations. The examinations that should be performed first are MRI and EEG. Epilepsy treatment is performed by neurology specialists with antiepileptic drugs. There is an adult EEG in our hospital.
Headache: Headache is one of the most common complaints in our society. Among the types of headaches, migraine or tension-type headaches are the most common. Dec. The diagnosis is made according to the patient’s complaints, the type of headache. The diagnosis and treatment of headache is carried out by the neurology unit. Usually, the treatment of patients is arranged according to the medical history or by applying imaging methods such as MRI or CT if deemed necessary by a neurology specialist.
Dementia (Dementia): Although depression is the most common cause of forgetfulness complaints seen at a young age, the incidence of dementia in society is increasing due to the prolongation of human life. The most common cause of dementia seen at an advanced age is Alzheimer’s disease. Complaints that start with forgetfulness progress with complaints such as decreased cognitive activity, thinking disorders, difficulty doing daily activities, refusal to eat, withdrawal. In addition to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia may also occur due to disorders in the structure of the cerebral vessels. The follow-up and treatment of these diseases are carried out by neurology specialists.
Movement Disorders: Movement disorders include diseases such as dystonia, essential tremor, dyskinesias, restless legs syndrome, most often Parkinson’s disease. The diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease, which is characterized by tremors in the hands, involuntary movements, loss of facial expression, gait disorders, is performed by the neurology unit. Apart from Parkinson’s disease, if you have complaints such as trembling in the hands, swinging like a pendulum at first, involuntary movements in the legs that occur at night, burning, you can get rid of your complaints by contacting neurology units in the light of the necessary treatments.
Sleep Disorders: Along with increasing sources of stress, sleep disorders have become one of the most common health problems today. Pathologies such as snoring, sleep apnea (shortness of breath during sleep) can disrupt the quality of your sleep at night, causing insufficient sleep intake and a constant feeling of fatigue. If you have a complaint of snoring or sleep apnea noticed by your relatives, or if you are having difficulty falling asleep or think that you are oversleeping, you should come to the neurology department.
Demyelinating diseases: Myelin is an insulating substance that covers the sheath nerve cells and is essential for the nervous system to maintain its function. Depending on the loss of this substance, various neurological findings occur according to the functions of the nerve cells in which the loss develops. The most common demyelinating disease is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) disease. MS watches in episodes. After attacks, complaints may decrease, disappear, or permanent damage may develop. The diagnosis of an attack is made by the presence of plaques holding contrast media monitored on MRI in addition to newly emerging neurological damages in the patient. October. In addition to the treatment of attacks, there are various preventive treatment options that will prevent patients from having an attack. MS is a chronic disease and its monitoring and treatment are carried out by neurologists. In addition to MS, there are other rare demyelinating diseases such as neuromyelitis optica (NMO), Device disease.
November Dec Nov 2019 Muscle Diseases: The most common autoimmune disease among muscle diseases is Myasthenia Graves, and the most common genetically transmitted disease is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. nov 2019 Myasthenia Gravis. nov 2019 Myasthenia Gravis. nov 2019 Myasthenia Gravis. November 2019 Myasthenia Gravis. November November, November November, November 2018, is a rare disease in which muscle thinning, muscle mass loss and muscle contraction disorders are observed due to the disorders in nerve-muscle transmission in these diseases. November Myasthenia Gravis most often involves the eye muscles. Eyel November fall, visual disturbances due to weakness in the eye muscles and double vision, chewing and swallowing difficulties and in advanced periods, arm and leg muscles are observed to weaken. novemberjust novemberjust novemberjust novemberjust novemberjust novemberjust novemberjust novemberjust November 1995. The diagnosis and treatment of these diseases are also carried out by the neurology department.
In addition to these diseases, diagnoses and treatments of diseases such as vertigo (dizziness), facial paralysis, facial pains, nerve damage due to diabetes (diabetic polyneuropathy) are also performed by the neurology department.

Neurology physicians are interested in the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of a fairly wide group of diseases that concern all parts of the nervous system and November-November diseases. In the diagnosis and follow-up of these diseases, examinations and imaging methods that measure neural messages are applied. Some of the examinations performed in neurology clinics in our hospitals are as follows:

• EEG (Large): The EEG test used in the diagnosis and follow-up of epilepsy and some other diseases can be applied to adults in our hospital.

* November (Dec): The connections between nerve-nerve, nerve-muscle are made by electrical conduction. November Deceleration Electromyelography (EMG) test is an electrophysiological test that serves to measure disorders in the connections between nerves and nerves-muscles and is applied by neurology specialists. November 2019, the most commonly used areas are trap neuropathies such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, demonstration of nerve damage in lumbar and neck hernias, demonstration of nerve-muscle conduction disorders in muscle diseases, facial paralysis, diaebete-related polyneuropathy, diagnosis and treatment of motor neurone diseases such as ALS or Guillain Barre. November 2019, diagnosis and treatment of motor neurone diseases such as ALS or Guillain Barre. It is necessary to undergo long-term training in order to apply EMG, which is a very complex test. ‌‌

*Evoked Potentials: Tests such as SSEP (Somatosensory Evoked Potential), VEP (Visual Evoked Potential), BERA (Auditory Evoked Potential) used in the diagnosis of certain diseases are performed by measuring the response of the nervous system to electrical current given from certain regions.

Diagnosis and treatment services are offered in diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system in orthopedics and Traumatology departments. November 1, 2019. In addition to the orthopedic diseases that are frequently encountered in the department, treatment services are provided for fractures and dislocations and structural disorders that occur due to their late consequences, especially in our country.

Except in cases of intense trauma,

Arthroscopic knee, shoulder and ankle surgery,
Sports injuries,
Hip and knee joint prostheses,
Diseases of the spine,
Shoulder diseases,
Diseases of the feet,
Tumors of the musculoskeletal system November 19, 2016,
Congenital anomalies,
The treatment of November nerve-related muscle and bone diseases is performed.

Psychiatry is a specialty that deals with human psychology and deals with the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. Specialist staff consisting of psychiatric specialists and clinical psychologists are employed in psychiatric clinics. Clinical interviews, examinations, laboratory tests and imaging methods are used for the diagnosis of psychiatric diseases. Psychiatric diseases are treated with pharmacotherapy (drug treatment) and psychotherapy (mental treatment) methods.

In addition to child and family counseling, adolescent counseling, personality tests, intelligence tests for children and developmental tests (MMPI, TAT, WISC- R, AGTE) and play therapies, supportive psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing EMDR therapy are applied in our psychiatric clinics according to the needs of patients.

While direct shots were made with Siemens brand double tube double table x-ray machine and adult radiology staff of Neoheliopos model Siemens until 1950 in Balıklı Rum Hospital Radiology department until 1996, all conventional radiological examinations are performed directly and indirectly with two double tube double table television x-ray machine and digital x-ray machine by 3 radiology technicians and 1 Radiology nurse accompanied by a rayology specialist on this day.

Bone density and body fat index are measured with our bone densitometry device. Ultrasonography, Color Doppler Ultrasonography, Computed Tomography and mammography devices are available in our service and all body parts are examined sensitively. The system is digitized depending on the CR unit and reported via the workstation.

Except in emergency situations, our patient, who is given an appointment one or two days later in order to make appropriate preparations for the examinations, can receive the examination results on the same day for direct examinations and one day later for special examinations.

Balıklı Greek Hospital ;

General Urology
Pediatric Urology(Night wetting of the lower testicles-undescended testicles-hypospadias-children’s hernias)
Urooncology(Kidney Tumors-Prostate Cancers-Testicular Cancers)
Urogynecology(TVT surgeries)
Andrology(Infertility-Varicocele-Ejaculatro precox(Premature Ejaculation)-Penile Prosthesis(Happiness bar))
Kidney Stone Therapy (ESWL)
Fracture of Bladder Stones
Pyeloplasty operations
Prostate Diseases
surgeries are performed.

* Breathing Apparatus
* Patient Monitors
* Infusion Pumps
• There are other intensive care equipment.

It provides service with specialist doctor, nurse and staff for 24 hours.

To Our Intensive Care Unit ;

* Acute Respiratory Failure (AC Trauma,Pneumonia,AC Edema, etc.)
* Chronic Respiratory Failure(KoAlt)
* Patients in Shock
* Heart and Respiratory Failure
* Patients requiring close follow-up after surgery
* Strokes
* Respiratory failure due to systemic Diseases
* Severe metabolic disorder and acid-base imbalance
* Poisonings
Patients are admitted.

Our Intensive Care must be contracted with the SGK.

Check out our health check-up programs for your health.

An appointment can be made by contacting the relevant department secretary.

Visitor Guide

You can access information about our facility here.

You can access your Laboratory and Radiology reports here.


you can make an appointment with the secretary of the relevant department by calling 0212 546 17 00.